Friday, 26 August 2011

GK Quiz Competition (26/8/2011)

Co-curricular activities play a vital role in overall growth and development of the children. Quiz competition is one of the best co-curricular activities. The main aim of Quiz competition is to inculcate among the students a spirit of healthy competition, to achieve academic excellence with team effort and ability to keep pace with the latest developments in various areas surrounding them.
On 26/8/2011, we conducted a quiz competition for primary wing (classes 1-5).The students gave good responses with great enthusiasm and showed good team spirit to excel in the competition and increase their knowledge………………….
The winners were:
Team A - 
1st Position   
Team B –
2nd Position                     
Team  D –
3rd Position                        
Team C –
4th Position
Satwik Roshan-V               
Hazel Pricilla - V   
Rudra Vinayak – V
G.sai Ram – V
Aneesh Pandu-IVA 
M.Virindhi – IV A
B.Chaitanya – IV A
Rishika Gupta – IV A
Siddharth – IV B
Kethan Jain – IV B
Pratham Reddy – IV B
Tanay Reddy-III
Amisha - III
Khadija Khan - III
Akshit Reddy - III

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Field Trip - Botanical Garden (19/8/2011)

On 19/8/2011 the students of class I to III went for a Field trip to Botanical garden. Self - guided field trip allowed the students to explore meaningful learning experience. In this field trip students investigated the properties of medicinal plants in the garden. This field trip gave a spark to the student’s curiosity and increased their knowledge of the natural world.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Orchids celebrated the 65th Independence Day with patriotic fervour and gaiety. The festivity began with the hoisting of the national flag by the Principal, Mrs. Mona Mehdi. The Salute and the National Anthem were followed by the speeches of Orchidians in English and Hindi. The school sang patriotic songs in Hindi and English with the school choir taking the lead. The Principal addressed the school and urged the students to be strong to move ahead and progress. The day’s programme ended with distribution of sweets.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Star of the week - 14 [Sahana Govindarajan]


To tap the hidden potential of the little scholars and to nurture their artistic skills “RAKHI MAKING COMPETITION” was organized on the occasion of Raksha bandhan on the 5th August, 2011 in the junior wing.
They exhibited their creativity and art  in various styles of rakhi. The little hands of students made sure that they put in their very best and therefore left no stone unturned while designing a perfect “RAKHI” with lots of fun............. 

Monday, 1 August 2011


Month’s Focus : Feel proud to be an Indian

Coursebook –

Lesson  4  -  The foolish dog
               5 – The world outside
poem  -  The friendly  cone

Lesson 3 -. The ugly duckling
  Poem    -  My home   
Lesson 4 -  Red riding hood
  Poem   -   The little duck

Workbook –
Lesson  3  -Alice’s Dream
Lesson  4 – The Blue Fox
Dramatization of ‘The foolish dog’

Collect pictures of different sources of water.
Mathematical concepts:
Partitioning of a collection
The number zero
Count in ten’s
Count and write
Addition on number line
Adding three numbers
Subtraction on number line
Number names ( 11 – 20 )
Sorting the beads according to size, shape ,colour and numbers

Addition with beads on a string
Social Studies  
Lesson 5 – I love my family
              6 – Caring and sharing
              7 – Fun with family
              8 – Shool is fun
              9 -  My classroom
Stick family photo in scrap book  

Write five lines about my classroom
Lesson 5  -  My body
              6 – Our needs
              7 – Keeping fit
              8 – Safety first                              
Draw and label the body parts

II  Language
Hindi:     Matras
Choose the correct matra and fill in the blank
French:  1) Comment Saluer (suite )
                Les mois   de l’anne’e,Les nombres              
Skit of general French dialogues
Song( french)

Telugu :  Varnamala,s mall words (ka  to ma )

Creative writing skills/ Eng. Language enhancement skills
Write five sentences on my pet dog

To improve handwriting
Computer science
Lesson 6 – The keyboard
             7 – Keyboard ---special keys
Hands on experience on keyboard

Art & Craft
Guitar ,How’s that ,Colour time ,Flying time,Golden fish,My puppet,I’m home, Quiz time
 To enchance creativity
General Knowledge
 Page no.  (20  -25 )

     1. Taqat watan ki humse hai     
     2.This is the rhythm of life
     3.God let our home be friendly
     4.Hum ko mann ki shakti

Edu-sports (outdoor)

                     26/8/11 -   G.K  Quiz
                         2/9/11   -   Free handwriting    (I-V)
                         9/9/11   -   Solo Singing             (I-V)
                         26/9/11 -   I.H  Swimming         ( I-V)
Events & Celebrations:
       5/8/11-    Rakhi Making                       
         09/8/11-    Quit India  ( Assembly Presentation)
         15/8/11-   Independence Day      
        19/8/11-    Field trip   (I-V)
         20/8/11-   P T M        (I-V)       
         29/8/11-   National Sports Day   (Assembly Presentation)                     
         05/9/11-     Teacher’s Day + Mother Teresa Day   
         08/9/11-     World Literacy Day  ( Assembly presentation0       
         16/9/11-   World Ozone Day       (Assembly Presentation)                     
        27/9/11-   World Tourism Day.    (Assembly Presentation)                     
        14/9/11 to20/9/11-  First term Assessment  (I-V)
        1/10/11 – P.T.M. ,  Report card, Academic fair+ Book fair      
        26/9/11 to 30/9/11-  USSR  Week                                                                                                                                                                     
                     12/8/11- Varalakshmi Vratam
                     13/8/11- Raksha bandan
                     23/8/11- Krishnaashtami
                     27/8/11- Holiday for students
                     31/8/11- Eid
                     1/9/11-   Ganesh Chaturthi
                     12/9/11- Ganesh Immersion                                                                                                               
                     2/10/11 to 9/10/11-  Dusshera Vacation
                     10/10/11-School re-opens.