Competitions, individual or as a team, teach us much leaving
an indelible impression on us. Some offer immense pleasure of participation
combined with learning experience. Such is the one organized in Orchids on 14th July, 2012.
‘Mother and Child’ formed quite an understanding team to
make ‘Best out of Waste’ and many students
of classes I-X, participated in the contest cheerfully with mothers beside,
guiding them to implement their plan of work efficiently on time. It was a
delight to the spectators watching them at work with many things that cannot be
thought useful but which went into the making of precious, artistic objects
which were judged by our Principal, Mrs. Mona Mehdi who herself is an artist
and our Art teacher, Mr. B. Santosh Kumar.
The outcome of the contest was the amazing merge of Beauty
and Utility which could be seen in the objects materialized after the contest.
What is more important- The bonding of the Mother and Child was strengthened
and they carried pleasant memories of the one hour that they had spent together
to compete with others. It was a delightful competition indeed!