Friday 10 February 2012

Field trip to Post office

The pleasure of receiving a hand written letter is very different from receiving an email. In today’s age of computers we wanted our children to know about this long lasting pleasure. On 10th January, Grade I-III students of ORCHIDS-THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL were taken for a field trip to POSTOFFICE-Madhapur.The postman welcomed the children to their premises. The children visited various sections like the Counters, Delivery, Parcel and Stamp Vendor. The Postmaster taught the kids to drop the letters into the Mail Box. The postman explained the role of his duties and the various kinds of letters that he delivers like the Postcard, Envelopes, Stamps, Seal, Telegram post and Inland letters etc.The experience shows students how the mail touches everyone’s lives almost everyday. It will leave a better understanding of how the Postoffice binds the community together and connects local citizens with the nation and the world. Finally, the Orchidians enjoyed the field trip and understood the importance of community Helper (Postman).